
Explain everything project:

Trouble shooting: This first project was to have two videos uploaded with a video below.  I had a very difficult time adding this smaller video which explained everything. So I made another one. It wouldn’t embed the video, so here is the video that was underneath the larger one.

Take #2 Explain Everything project:


For today’s assignment, I was asked to create my first ever screen case. I have used the app   in the past, but only as a visual whiteboard. Today I tried using it as a video explanation and found it to be extremely difficult. I ran into problems with recording a video and having it stick to the template. I however feel this app will increase students motivation when explaining what they are learning or how they have completed an assignment. If you didn’t want to download the app, since you are more familiar with Google Chrome, there is an extension that provides a similar tool calles: Screencastify, a free extension on Goggle Chrome.

Explain Everything has been very useful for me in the past when using iPads and ways to explain your thinking. Here of some ideas:

  • Create a video to show how you solve a math related problem, explaining the steps so people can see your strategy.

  • Create videos or whiteboards explaining how you research a topic using the library databases.

  • It would be great to introduce your little buddy in the school to areas of the school that they would be interested in playing in.

  • As a teacher you could use videos for a flipped classroom, pre-activity videos that students can access at anytime, as many times as they need.

  • Use screencasting for assessment of student learning or student reflection.

  • Digital storytelling – narrate a slideshow or stop motion

  • Teachers could create a mini lesson for a TTOC to show. I love this idea, as a teacher knowing your lesson is going to be delivered the way you desire!

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