Audio Editing

Well with a year of experience with garage band on the iPad, I found it quite easy to pick up the basic audio  Audacity from HERE, which is a easy to register and download.

I edited a little of the recording, mostly because I am an extremely slow at talking and putting my thoughts together. I feel this would be a great assessment tool for students. You could ask them to explain any type of learning and share it with you. If they could explicitly teach you how to do something and create their own “do it yourself” kind of podcaste, you would really enhance most student’s learning experience.

They could reflect on their artwork, their behaviour in gym and give reasons they felt like they were being a contributor, empathetic teammate, principled player etc.

I must say I am learning a lot from these assignments: mostly time management. I realize how much time this one took me even with experience with a similar device; garageband. It can get very frustrating when downloading and sharing your podcast.

It has shown me that we need to have the kids play around with this in the first term and become proficient as we move along. The best strategy would be allowing them to record, learn, practice on areas of interest. I look forward to using this tool in the near future with my students…..but after much more practice.

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