Video Examples

Within this course, media arts has been a major topic to explore into and how it can be used throughout teaching, learning and in the library. Ensuring any video, picture or website that you are using is an important part of digital literacy. This post 5 Website to Find Creative Common Videos is helpful for navigating the search for videos under license.

In this assignment we were asked to find 5 video clips that show how we could use media arts in other curricular areas.

In this video it could point out the importance of digital citizenship and how our online presence is important to consider.

Privacy Student Intro Video – The Digital Footprint from Common Sense Educators on Vimeo.

Another video here called Inspiration is a great way to bring out students social and emotional learning. Each student could use the green screen and choose an Attitude to describe through use of images and audio.

Inspiration – Student Project from Lorcan O’Shanahan on Vimeo.

Below you will see How to Make slime. Videos much like this one will peak students interest when creating any kind of How to Video. They have used many techniques in this video that we have learned from media arts: adding texts, sound effects etc. Teachers could use videos much like this one to critique, assess and reflect on presentation skills of these 2 actors, the presentation itself and decide on some areas they feel they did well, and areas they could improve on.

The next 2 videos are on design thinking. This is a process that students begin with when beginning a design project. There are 5 steps to solving real problems. We need to explicitly teach students how to brainstorm many ideas before choosing one, then trialing it out and reflecting on whether this was the best way or another way would work better. Students move through the process and can do so throughout many different curriculur areas; science, math, art, problem solving etc.

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